Men's Basketball - America East (2020-2021)

Conf. RPI Rank: 25    Conf. SOS Rank: 23
Overall Recard: 75-85    Non-Conf Record: 25-33

Only games against Division I opponents are counted.
Teams that made the tournament are in bold
This page updates multiple times daily.
Last updated - Thu Mar 11 13:58:06 PST 2021

View Power Ratings       View Real Time RPIs       Gamer Predictions
RPI Rk America East Conf All RPI SOS Rk SOS
115 UMBC 9-4  14-6 0.5293 239  0.4736
Down 2 From Last Week -2159 Hartford 10-5  14-8 0.5017 304  0.4443
Down 4 From Last Week -4203 Vermont 9-4  10-5 0.4791 323  0.4288
Down 2 From Last Week -2258 Binghamton 2-11  4-14 0.4477 116  0.5185
Down 1 From Last Week -1261 Albany 4-7  7-9 0.4447 260  0.4657
Down 5 From Last Week -5270 New Hampshire 9-7  9-9 0.4408 325  0.4278
Down 1 From Last Week -1271 Stony Brook 6-9  8-14 0.4407 281  0.4569
Down 2 From Last Week -2298 Maine 1-5  2-7 0.4210 258  0.4661
Up 3 From Last Week +3307 N.J.I.T. 0-0  7-12 0.4158 332  0.4218
Down 11 From Last WeekDown 11 From Last Week -11329 Mass-Lowell 0-0  0-1 0.3944 96  0.5258

2019-2020 America East standings

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